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hooks, bell. 2009. Teaching Critical Thinking: Practical Wisdom. New York: Routledge.


hooks, bell. 1994. Teaching to Transgress. New York. Routledge.


Freire, Paulo. 2016. Pedagogy of the Heart. New York: Bloomsbury Academic. 


Freire, Paulo. 2013. Education for Critical Consciousness. New York: Bloomsbury Academic. 


Postman, Neil, and Charles Weingartner. 1971. New York: Delta Publishing.

Teaching Sociology

Teaching Sociology publishes articles, notes, and reviews intended to be helpful to the discipline’s teachers. Articles range from experimental studies of teaching and learning to broad, synthetic essays on pedagogically important issues. The general intent is to share theoretically stimulating and practically useful information and advice with teachers.



ASA page:

They also have a podcast series!:



Here are some helpful articles to get you started:



  • Whitaker, Julie. 2017. “Recursive Exercises to Help Students Engage and Recognize Sociological Shifts.” Teaching Sociology 45(1), 14-27.

  • Messinger, Adam M. 2012. “Teaching content analysis through Harry Potter.” Teaching Sociology 40(4), 360-367.


Writing ability

  • Migliaccio, Todd, and Jacqueline Carrigan. 2017. “Producing Better Writers in Sociology: A Programmatic Approach.” Teaching Sociology 45(3), 228-239.


Critical thinking

  • Kane, Danielle, and Kristin Otto. 2017. “Critical Sociological Thinking and Higher-level Thinking: A Study of Sociologists’ Teaching Goals and Assignments.” Teaching Sociology 46(2), 112-122.


Emotions and teaching

  • MacNamara, Jessica, Sarah Glann, and Paul Durlak. 2017. “Experiencing Misgendered Pronouns: A Classroom Activity to Encourage Empathy.” Teaching Sociology 45(3), 269-278.​

  • Martinez-Cola, Marisela, with, Rocco English, Jennifer Min, Jonathan Peraza, Jamesetta Tambah, and Christina Yebuah. 2018. “When Pedagogy Is Painful: Teaching in Tumultuous Times.” Teaching Sociology 46(2), 97-111.


Online Resources
The Society Pages - Sociology Toolbox

A blog style collection of tools specific to teaching sociology. 





TRAILS is an online, modular (by topic and type of teaching tool) and searchable database that reflects a major innovation in the creation and dissemination of peer-reviewed teaching resources.




Teaching with a Sociological Lens (Facebook Page)

This is a private Facebook group for the purpose of enhancing sociological teaching in the college classroom. This is a lovely resource as you can not only find helpful classroom activities and assignments but ask for input, advice, or feedback from other sociologists in the group. 



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